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![]() From: Warhafftiger Bericht vom Philosophischen Athanore. By Heinrich Khunrath. [s.n.], 1603. |
CHEMISTRY1500-1900Date LC & Dewey Index |
Khunrath, Henrich, | Magnesia Catholica Philosophorum, das ist | 1599 |
Khunrath, Heinrich, | Warhafftiger Bericht vom Philosophischen | 1603 |
Hofmann, Lorenz, | De vero usu & fero abusu medicamentorum ch | 1611 |
Ruland, Martin, | Lexicon alchemiae; sive, Dictionarium alch | 1612 |
Locatelli, Lodovico. | Theatro d'Arcani del Medico Lodovico Locat | 1667 |
Becher, Johann Joach | Magnalia naturae: or, The truth of the phi | 1680 |
Glauber, Johann Rudo | The works of the highly experiences and fa | 1689 |
Boerhaave, Herman, | A new method of chemistry; including the h | 1753 |
Lemery, Nicolas, | Cours de chymie contenant la maniere de fa | 1756 |
Priestley, Joseph, | Experiments and observations on different | 1775 |
Priestley, Joseph, | Experiments and observations relating to v | 1779 |
Borch, Michel Jean, | Mineralogie sicilienne docimastique et met | 1780 |
Guyton de Morveau, L | Methode de nomenclature chimique | 1787 |
Fourcroy, Antoine-Fr | Elements of natural history, and of chemis | 1788 |
Fourcroy, Antoine-Fr | Supplement to the Elements of natural hist | 1789 |
Annales de chimie, ou, Recueil de <serial> | 1789 | |
Coquette, Jose. | Indice de algunas voces usadas en el Peru | 1792 |
Chaptal, Jean-Antoin | Elemens de chymie. | 1794 |
Brisson, Mathurin Ja | Elemens ou principes physico-chymiques | 1800 |
Skrimshire, Fenwick. | A series of popular chymical essays : cont | 1804 |
Bouillon-Lagrange, E | Manuel d'un cours de chimie, | 1812 |
Marcet, | Conversations on chemistry. | 1813 |
Murray, John, | Experimental researches on the light and l | 1826 |
Silliman, Benjamin, | Elements of chemistry. | 1830 |
Gray, Alonzo, | Elements of chemistry; containing the prin | 1848 |
Faraday, Michael, | A course of six lectures on the chemical h | 1861 |
Societe chimique de | Lecons de chimie professees en 1860-1869 | 1861 |
Berthelot, M. | Traite elementaire de chimie organique | 1872 |
Ruskin, John, | Catalogue of a series of specimens in the | 1884 |
Remsen, Ira | An introduction to the study of chemistry | 1886 |
Schutzenberger, Paul | On fermentation | 1886 |
Storer, Francis | Agriculture in some of its relations with | 1887 |
Cooke, Josiah Parson | Laboratory practice; a series of experiment | 1891 |
Ostwald, Wilhelm, | Solutions | 1891 |
Bender, Adolf | Chemische praparatenkunde | 1893 |
Behrens, Heinrich | A manual of microchemical analysis | 1894 |
Sohn, Charles E. | Dictionary of the active principles of pla | 1894 |
Comey, Arthur Messin | A dictionary of chemical solubilities | 1896 |
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Last Updated on 5/24/99