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![]() From: The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Right Reverend John Wilkins. London, 1708. (Listed in General) |
ASTRONOMY1500-1900Author LC & Dewey Index |
Ali ibn Abi al-Rijal | Albohazen Haly filii Abenragel libri De ju | 1551 |
Bailly, Jean Sylvain | Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la | 1779 |
Bailly, Jean Sylvain | Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la | 1785 |
Baxter, Andrew, | Matho : or, The cosmotheoria puerilis, a d | 1745 |
Bonatti, Guido, | Guidonis Bonati foroliviensis mathematici | 1550 |
Burritt, Elijah H. | Atlas designed to illustrate the Geography | 1850 |
Copernicus, Nicolaus | Nicolai Copernici Torinensis. Astronomia i | 1617 |
Costard, George, | A letter to Martin Folkes, esq., president | 1746 |
Curson, H. | The theory of sciences illustrated; or, Th | 1702 |
Delmedigo, Joseph So | Elim : Ma`yan ganim : Hukot shamayim : Gev | 1864 |
Ewing, John, | A plain elementary and practical system of | 1809 |
Ferguson, James, | Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' | 1715 |
Ferguson, James, | Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton' | 1757 |
Ferguson, James, | The young gentleman and lady's astronomy, | 1792 |
Fontenelle | Conversations on the plurality of worlds. | 1767 |
Fontenelle | The theory or system of several new inhabi | 1718 |
Fontenelle, | Conversations on the plurality of worlds. | 1808 |
Fontenelle, | Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes, su | 1831 |
Foster, Samuel, | Elliptical, or azimuthal horologiography | 1654 |
Galilei, Galileo, | Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matemati | 1632 |
Galilei, Galileo, | Opere di Galileo Galilei ... | 1655 |
Galilei, Galileo, | Systema cosmicvm, | 1663 |
Galilei, Galileo, | Memorie e lettere inedite finora o dispers | 1818 |
Gallucci, Giovanni P | Theatrum mundi, et temporis | 1589 |
Gamaches, Etienne Si | Astronomie physique, ou, Principes generau | 1740 |
Gans, David ben Solo | Nehmad ve-na`im : al kelalot hokhmot ha-te | 1743 |
Gassendi, Pierre, | Institutio astronomica Iuxta Hypotheseis t | 1647 |
Gibbon, John, | Day-fatality, or, Some observation of days | 1679 |
Goiffon, Joseph, | Harmonie des deux spheres celeste et terre | 1739 |
Gordon, George, | An introduction to geography, astronomy, a | 1726 |
Gosselin, Jean, | Kalendrier gregorien perpetuel, traduit de | 1583 |
Graaf, Abraham de | De starre-kinst. | 1659 |
Gregory, David, | Astronomiae, physicae & geometricae elemen | 1702 |
Harris, John, | Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman | 1719 |
Hiffernan, Paul, | The philosophic whim: or, Astronomy a farc | 1774 |
Hill, John, | Urania: or, a compleat view of the heavens | 1754 |
Hoechheimer, Elijah | Shevile de-raki`a. | 1863 |
Holder, William | A discourse concerning time, with applicat | 1701 |
Horrocks, Jeremiah, | Jeremiae Horroccii, Liverpoliensis Angli, | 1673 |
Huygens, Christiaan | Christiani Hugenii #, sive, De terris coel | 1698 |
Huygens, Christiaan | The celestial worlds discover'd : or, Conj | 1722 |
Huygens, Christiaan, | Christiani Hugenii Zulichemii dum viveret | 1724 |
Jennings, David, | An introduction to the use of the globes, | 1747 |
Joanne Hyginus | Hygini quae hodie extant, adcurante | 1674 |
Kaestner, Abraham Go | Geschichte der Mathematik seit Wiederherst | 1796 |
Keill, John | An examination of the reflections on the t | 1699 |
Keill, John, | An introduction to the true astronomy : or | 1730 |
Kennedy, John, | A complete system of astronomical chronolo | 1762 |
Laplace, Pierre Simo | The system of the world : in two volumes | 1809 |
Leybourn, William, | The compleat surveyor: containing the whol | 1679 |
Maestlin, Michael, | Epitome astronomiae, qva brevi explication | 1624 |
Manilius, Marcus. | Marci Manilii Astronomicon. | 1655 |
Manilius, Marcus. | The five books of M. Manilius, | 1697 |
Manilius, Marcus. | The sphere of Marcus Manilius made an Engl | 1675 |
Martin, Benjamin, | Philosophia Britannica : or, a new and com | 1747 |
Mizauld, Antoine | Antonii Mizaldi Monluciani Zodiacus, siue | 1553 |
Mizauld, Antoine | Antonii Mizaldi Monlvciani, | 1552 |
Montucla, Jean Etien | Histoire des mathematiques dans laquelle o | 1799 |
Moore, Jonas, | A mathematical compendium; or, Useful prac | 1705 |
Moxon, Joseph, | A tutor to astronomy and geography. | 1674 |
Munckerus, Thomas, | Mythographi latini. C. Jul. | 1681 |
Murphy, Patrick, | Meteorology, considered in its connexion | 1836 |
Nichol, John Pringle | The architecture of the heavens. | 1851 |
Nichol, John Pringle | Thoughts on some important points relating | 1848 |
Nichol, John Pringle | Views of the architecture of the heavens | 1839 |
Norton, William Augu | An elementary treatise on astronomy. | 1839 |
Passemant, Claude | Description et usage des telescopes, micro | 1763 |
Peucer, Kaspar, | De dimensione terrae et geometrice numeran | 1554 |
Peurbach, Georg von | Novae theoricae planetarum Georgii Peurbac | 1534 |
Peurbach, Georg von, | Theoricae novae planetarum ... | 1581 |
Piccolomini, Alessan | Della sfera del mondo. | 1552 |
Poincare, Henri, | Les methodes nouvelles de la mecanique cel | 1892 |
Proclus, | Procli De sphaera liber. Cleomedis De mvn | 1553 |
Proctor, Richard A. | Essays on astronomy: a series of papers on | 1872 |
Riccioli, Giovanni B | Astronomiae reformatae tomi duo : quorum p | 1665 |
Rowning, John, | A compendious system of natural philosophy | 1765 |
Sacro Bosco, Joannes | Opusculu<m> de sphera mu<n>di Ioannis de s | 1526 |
Slafter, Edmund F. | History and causes of the incorrect latitu | 1882 |
Slonimski, Hayyim Se | Kokhva de-shavit : kolel korot hokhmat ha- | 1835 |
Speer, Joseph Smith | The West-India pilot: containing piloting | 1771 |
Sprat, Thomas, | Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voya | 1665 |
Staveren, Augustinus | Auctores mythographi latini. | 1742 |
Streete, Thomas. | Astronomia Carolina : a new theory of the | 1710 |
Tanner, John. | Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris. For the | 1687 |
Ward, Seth, | Idea trigonometriae demonstratae : in usum | 1654 |
Whewell, William, | Astronomy and general physics : considered | 1833 |
Whewell, William, | Astronomy and general physics considered | 1839 |
Whiston, William, | Astronomical lectures, read in the publick | 1728 |
Whiston, William, | Sir Isaac Newton's mathematick philosophy | 1716 |
Wilkins, John, | A discovery of a new world, or A discourse | 1684 |
Wing, Vincent, | Geodaetes practicus redivivus. The art of | 1700 |
Calendrier pour la Deuxieme Annee de la Re | 1793 | |
Poor Robin, 1687 : an almanack of the old | 1687 | |
The American agriculturist family cyclopae | 1885 | |
White's coelestial atlas; or, An <serial> | 1750 |
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Last Updated on 5/24/99