Unless noted otherwise, all items are located in Reference (3rd floor Library West, non-circulating). Duplicates or earlier editions may be available in the main stacks or other locations that may allow items to be checked out. Also note that some items listed are included as examples of titles available in larger series. Check the Library Catalog for further details.
Indexes to journals & other research
Library of Congress. Library of Congress Office, Nairobi, Kenya. Quarterly index to periodical literature, eastern and southern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Library of Congress Office, 1991-
Frequency: Quarterly
Publishing history: Vol. 1, no. 1 (1991)-
Ref. Z3503 .Q38 ; Web database: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/misc/qsihtml/
International political science abstracts / International Political Science Association <and> International Studies Conference. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, <1951-
Bimonthly, <Dec. 1977->
Publishing history: Vol. 1, no. 1-2 (1951)-
Ref. JA36 .I5 and available online from Feb. 2007
Human Relations Area Files, Inc. <Human relations area files>. Ann Arbor : University Microfilms International <etc.>, <1968-
Notes: Microfiche edition of the HRAF Paper Files (l949-); complete microfiche format initiated in 1968.
The organization of the HRAF files corresponds to the classification in: Murdock, G. P. Outline of world cultures. Within each culture, the subarrangement is topical, according to the categories in: Murdock, G. P. Outline of cultural materials.
Materials consist of books, articles and manuscripts, some of the original translations.
Human Relations Area Files, inc. HRAF source bibliography, cumulative / Human Relations Area Files. New Haven : HRAF, 1976-
Description: 1 v. ; 30 cm.
Notes: Loose-leaf for updating.
"This edition ... was prepared by Joan Steffens and Timothy J. O'Leary."
Includes indexes.
Z7164.S667 H85 1976 (Non-Circulating). Ask staff for shelf location
eHRAF collection of archaeology <computer file>. <New Haven, Conn.> : HRAF, 1998-
Texts in various languages including English, French, German and Spanish.
Technical note: Mode of access: World Wide Web. Access restricted to subscribers.
Summary: A collection of archaeology texts indexed by culture and subject. The Outline of world cultures and the Outline of cultural materials index the
texts and are included as searchable files.
Available online: http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/ehrafa see also the eHRAF collection of ethnography online
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Select: Social Sciences Subject Area for PAIS International, Sociological Abstracts and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts among a dozen or so others.
News digests and analysis
The Economist Intelligence Unit's Country Reports and Country Profiles for Africa include current information on most African countries from an economic development, trade and political point of view. These contain some of the best and most recently available data on trade, development issues, political events, etc. reported by observers in (or in some cases very close to) the country in question. Reports can be searched in full-text and contain the same charts and graphs of the original print reports, which we will no longer receive. To access these materials from a GatorLink or other ufl.edu account, either use the Library's catalog or directly go to http://www.eiu.com/site_info.asp?info_name=corporate_landing_University_of_Florida
The Political risk yearbook.
Published: New York : Frost & Sullivan, c1987-
Frequency: Annual
Publishing history: 1987-
Notes: 1987- edition has 7 parts: pt.1-North & Central America; pt.2-South America; pt.3-Western Europe; pt.4-Eastern Europe; pt.5-Middle East & North Africa; pt.6-Syb-Saharan Africa; and pt.7-Asia & The Pacific.
Other author(s), etc.: Coplin, William D.
O'Leary, Michael K.
Political Risk Services.
Ref. HB 3730 .P762
Africa confidential. <London, Miramoor Publications Ltd., etc.>
Publishing history: Jan. 1967-
Periodicals DT1 .A2125 (1969-1979 in Storage with Dewey call number; print subscription through 2007 only) and available online (1998 - 2006 only).
Africa research bulletin. Political, social, and cultural series. Oxford, England : Blackwell, c1992-
Frequency: Monthly
Publishing history: Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1st-31st 1992)-
DT1 .A2283 and online
Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial, and technical series. Oxford, England : Blackwell, c1992-
Frequency: Monthly
Publishing history: Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 16th-Feb. 15th 1992)-
HC501 .A534 and online
Daily newspapers and monthly news magazines (use the web for current issues)
Daily nation (Nairobi, Kenya).
Nairobi, <Kenya> : Nation Centre
Daily, <Jan. 1, 1967->
Former frequency: Daily (except Sunday), 1960-
Publishing history: Began in 1960.
Notes: Sunday editions for <no.1886 (Sept. 2, 1990)-> published as: Sunday nation, and carry their own numbering.
Microfilm. Gainesville, FL : George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, 1992- microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
DT433.5 .D34, Microfilm
Kenya times (microform). Nairobi, Kenya : Kenya Times Ltd., 1983-
Daily, May 8, 1983-
Former frequency: Daily (except Sunday), Apr. 5-May 7, 1983
Publishing history: No. 1 (Apr. 5, 1983)-
Alternate title(s): Sunday times
Notes: On Sunday published as: Sunday times.
Microfilm. Gainesville, FL : University of Florida, 1993- microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
DT433.5 .K46, Microfilm
Monitor (Kampala, Uganda). Kampala : The Monitor Publications Ltd.
Daily, 1996-<1997>
Former frequency: Semiweekly, <1993>-1996
Alternate title(s): Issued on Sunday as: Sunday monitor
Whole numbering dropped in Jan. 1994; numbering restarts each year.
Microfilm. Gainesville, FL : George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, 1996- microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
DT433.2 .M6, Microfilm
Finance (Nairobi, Kenya). Nairobi : Productions and Communications, 1984-
Bimonthly <Feb. 15, 1996->
Publishing history: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1984)-
Notes: Published twice monthly by Finance Institute Ltd. and distributed by Finance Journal Company, <Feb. 15, 1996->
Some issues lack numeric designation.
HG46 .F47, Periodicals
Southern Africa political & economic monthly. <Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe : s.n., c1987-
11 no. a year, <1997->
Publishing history: <Vol. 1>, no. 1 (Oct. 1987)-
Notes: Issued by: SAPES Trust, Nov. 1987-
Issues for Oct. 1987-Apr. 1988 lack volume designation but constitute v. 1, no. 1-7.
DT1155 .S682, Periodicals
West Africa. <London, West Africa Pub. Co. Ltd.>
Publishing history: Feb. 3, 1917 - July 6, 2003 (ceased with number 4383).
Indexed by: MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition) 0024-8215
916.605 W522, Periodicals storage
Moto. Gweru, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press
Publishing history: Began with May 1982 issue.
Alternate title(s): Moto magazine
DT962.A2 M67, Periodicals
Electronic journals and full-text services (via the Library Catalog or library home page)
Academic index
Indexes articles in approximately 1000 scholarly journals and popular magazines in the arts, humanities, social sciences, science and technology. Abstracts are included for some articles. Provides access to ASCII full text of some articles.
Historical Abstracts
[Santa Barbara, Calif., etc. American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press, etc.]
Abstracts and indexes literature covering countries other than the United States and Canada in the subject areas of history, the social sciences and humanities. The scope of coverage is World History (1450 - present) and related areas including culture, diplomacy, economics, international relations and politics.
Available online via EBSCO and ABC-CLIO
Seachable, full text articles from issues of (examples for Pol. Sci.): American Journal of International Law, American Journal of Political Science, Midwest Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, International Organization, Journal of Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, World Politics (current issues not available, generally about 3-5 years lag).
Index to public policy research by leading US and international think tanks and includes links to the full text reports if available. The organizations include the ACLU, Amnesty International, Worldwatch...over 300 prestigious groups. See a FULLER DESCRIPTION at
Periodicals index online and Periodicals archive online
PIO (formerly Periodicals Contents Online) is an electronic index and archive of periodicals
in the humanities and social sciences from their first issues to the presesnt, including
millions of articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences across more than 300 years.
Bibliographies, other research tools
African development indicators. New York, N.Y. : United Nations Development Programme ; Washington, D.C. : World Bank, c1992-
Frequency: Annual
Publishing history: 1992-
Alternate title(s): ADI
Notes: Also issued in computer disk format: African development indicators.
HC800 .A5653
Contemporary African politics and development : a comprehensive bibliography, 1981-1990 / editor-in-chief Vijitha Mahadevan ; <principal investigator, Michael F. Lofchie> ; associate editor, Wendy Belcher ; assistant editors, Katherine Sadler, Todd Heller, Hamidou Soumah. Boulder : Lynne Rienner Publishers, c1994.
Description: xxi, 1314 p. ; 29 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
HC800 .C6661 1994
Hodd, Michael. The economies of Africa : geography, population, history, stability, structure, performance forecasts / Michael Hodd. Aldershot : Dartmouth, c1991.
Description: viii, 363 p. : ill. ; 31 cm.
Notes: Includes bibliographical refrerences (p. 39).
HC800 .H633 1991
Gorman, Robert F. Historical dictionary of refugee and disaster relief organizations / by Robert F. Gorman. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1994.
Description: viii, 263 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Series note: International organizations series ; no. 7
Series: International organizations series (Metuchen, N.J.) ; no. 7.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. <175>-218).
HV640 .G66 1994
Amnesty International. The Amnesty International report. London, England: Amnesty International Publications, 1976-
Publishing history: 1 June 1975-31 May 1976-
Annual report update.
Related material(s): Amnesty International Limited. Amnesty International Limited accounts for the year ended 31 December ... together with director's and auditors' reports
HV6254 .A45 Latest edition in Reference
Political parties of Africa and the Middle East : a reference guide / editors: Roger East and Tanya Joseph. Harlow, Essex, U.K. : Longman ; Detroit, Mich. : Distributed exclusively in the U.S. and Canada by Gale Research, c1993.
Other author(s), etc.: East, Roger.
Joseph, Tanya.
CIRCA Research & Reference Information Limited.
JQ1879.A795 P651 1993
Katumanga, Musambayi. National elections data book : Kenya, 1963-1997 / <Musambayi Katumanga>
Nairobi : Institute for Education in Democracy, c1997. xii, 313 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 28 cm.
Alternate title(s): Kenya, 1963-1997.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 311-313).
JQ2947.A956 K371 1997