completed at the University of Florida, 1956-2000
compiled by
Steve Marr, Graduate Assistant
Daniel Reboussin, Ph.D.
Assistant Bibliographer, Africana Collection
June, 2001
[Arrangement is: author; title; department: degree, year; advisor]
A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M
Abassa, Kodjo Pierre.
Systems approach to Gobra Zebu production in Dahra, Senegal.
Animal Science: Ph.D., 1984
Conrad, Joseph H.
Abassa, Kodjo Pierre.
Economic analysis of feeding Gobra Zebu cattle in Dahra, Senegal.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1984
Boggess, William G.
Abel-Ratovo, Henri Lucien.
Design of a socioeconomic monitoring and evaluation system to manage
integrated conservation and development projects in Madagascar.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1997
Andrew, Chris O.
Abosedra, Salaheddin.
Commercial banks development in Libya.
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: M.A., 1977
McCollough, William A.
Aburawi, Mohamed Mehemmed.
In search of the optimum house : a habitat for the contemporary Libyan
Architecture: M.Arch., 1984
Scheffer, George
Adama, Bakayoko.
The economics of rice production in the Ivory Coast, 1950-1972 : strategies
and policy implications.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1978
Andrew, Chris O. and Davis, Carlton G.
Adama, Bakayoko.
Export agriculture diversification and intra-regional income distribution in
the Ivory Coast : the case of the forested region, 1960-1980.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1982
Davis, Carlton G.
Adams, Robert Lee.
Sources of the Black experience in the Western hemisphere : implications for
a diasporian-inclusive formulation of negritude.
Sociology: M.A., 1992
Feagin, Joseph R. and Vera, Hernan
Adan, Bashir Jama.
Soil fertility and productivity aspects of alley cropping leucaena
leucocephala and cassia siamea under semiarid conditions at Machakos, Kenya.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1993
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Adeeko, Adeleke.
Words' horse, or the proverb as a paradigm of literary understanding.
English: Ph.D., 1991
Leavey, John P. Jr.
Ahmann, Laura R.
Internet access and political participation: can the Internet play a role in
strengthening democracy in South Africa?
Mass Communication: M.A., 1998
Kent, Kurt E.
Akwabi-Ameyaw, Kofi.
Government agricultural resettlement policy and the responses of farmers in
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1989
Du Toit, Brian M.
Amegashie, Austin Kwaku.
From slave to farmer? The early settlement of Liberia.
Geography: M.A., 1975
Niddrie, David L.
Amegashie, Austin Kwaku.
Liberian agricultural programs : the theory and practice of marketing and
food distribution systems.
Geography: Ph.D., 1978
Niddrie, David L.
Ammar, Nawal H.
An Egyptian village growing up : Silwa, the governorate of Aswan.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1988
Burns, Allan F.
Amoako, Joe K. Y. B.
Ghanaian Pidgin English : in search of diachronic, synchronic, and
sociolinguistic evidence.
Linguistics: Ph.D., 1992
Burns, Allan F.
Amoran, Omoniyi.
Auxiliaries and time reference in Yoruba.
Linguistics: M.A., 1986
Der Houssikian, Haig
Anamosa, Paul R.
Water and nutrient movement related to soil productivity in an aggregated
gravelly oxisol from Cameroon.
Soil Science: Ph.D., 1989
Blue, William G.
Andan, Ziblim.
Capital requirements and crop combinations for specified income levels in
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1973
McPherson, Dale J.
Anderson, Andrea Snyder.
Smallholder farmers in Malosa, Malawi : food security and household composition.
Agricultural Education and Communication: M.S., 2000
Osborne, Edward
Aronson, David Anthony.
African stories.
English: M.F.A., 1992
Powell, Padgett
Arthur, John W.
Ceramic ethnoarchaeology among the Gamo of southwestern Ethiopia.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 2000
Brandt, Steven
Awadzi, Kezia Dzifa.
Media dependency and opinion-holding regarding U.S. media credibility in
covering Africa.
Mass Communication: M.A.M.C., 1999
Leslie, Michael
Azriel, Joshua N.
South Africa's consociational path to democratic stabilization.
Political Science: M.A., 1999
Chege, Michael
Bamieh, Nadia Adib.
Parenting stress factors among Egyptian and American parents of school-age
children with significant disabilities : a cross-cultural study.
Special Education: Ph.D., 1997
Dykes, Mary Kay
Benedict, Faye Frances.
Structure, function, and stability of intercropping systems in Tanzania.
Botany: Ph.D., 1982
Ewel, John J.
Benhallam, Abdu (Abderrafi).
Syllable structure and rule types in Arabic.
Linguistics: Ph.D., 1980
Miller, D. Gary
Bezuneh, Taye.
Anatomy and histology of seeds and seedlings of false banana, Ensete Spp.
Botany: Ph.D., 1969
Ford, E. S.
Black, Robert A.
The effect of medium reliance on Africa's image.
Journalism and Communications: M.A.M.C., 1994
Pierce, Robert N.
Bockarie, Anne H. Todd.
Improving seed germination in two multi-purpose tree species from Sierra
Leone, West Africa (Cassia sieberiana and Dialium guineense).
Forest Resources and Conservation: M.S., 1991
Duryea, Mary L.
Bouani, Annice I.
The impact of temporal perceptions on cross-cultural communication in
Moroccan-American marriages.
Linguistics: M.A., 1995
Hardman, Martha J.
Boulos, Sami Ibrahim.
A course in biology for the senior high schools in Egypt.
Curriculum and Instruction: Ed.D., 1960
Bingham, Nelson E.
Boyer, Neil Andre.
Food crop marketing and agricultural development in Dschang and adjacent
areas of West Province, Cameroon.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1987
Davis, Carlton G.
Brown, Amanda Espy.
The structural, cultural and institutional constraints to improved health and
nutrition in southwest Nigeria.
Geography: Ph.D., 1998
Malecki, Edward
Cabaniss, Ayn Mudd.
Ethnicity and the press : the influence of language and foreign ownership of
Kenyas leading newspapers.
Journalism and Communications: M.A.J.C., 1984
Lowenstein, Ralph L.
Cartledge, Daniel M.
Taming the mountain : human ecology, indigenous knowledge, and sustainable
resource management in the Doko Gamo society of Ethiopia.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1995
Hansen, Arthur
Chikanza, Juliet.
Borrowing in Shona.
Linguistics: M.A., 1986
Der Houssikian, Haig
Chikwana, Rosie.
Production and consumption behavior of smallholder farmers in the
Thiwi-Lifidzi project of Malawi.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1984
Langham, Max R. Jr.
Chiofolo, Richard Charles.
Africa: pluralism and national integration.
Sociology: M.A., 1973
Vandiver, Joseph S.
Chiofolo, Richard Charles.
A statistical comparison of migration and ethnic boundaries in Ghana.
Sociology: Ph.D., 1977
Vandiver, Joseph S.
Chirwa, Paxie Wanangwa.
Soil moisture changes and maize productivity under alley cropping with
leucaena and flemingia hedgerows in semi-arid conditions in Lusaka, Zambia.
Forest Resources and Conservation: M.S., 1991
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Chitauro, Moreblessings Busi.
The role and status of Shona women as revealed in the language of a Shona
cultural event.
Linguistics: M.A., 1995
Hardman, Martha J.
Chiteka, Zwenhamo Albert.
Inheritance of some components of resistance to early leaf spot caused by
Cercospora arachidicola Hori. in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
Agronomy: Ph.D., 1997
Gorbet, David W.
Chiyembekeza, Allan James.
Inheritance of components of resistance to late leafspot in peanut.
Agronomy: Ph.D., 1992
Knauft, David A.
Clawson, Lyn Evelyn M.
Satisfaction and self-perceptions of black African and black American
students : attending predominantly white and predominantly black universities in
Counselor Education: Ph.D., 1983
Fitzgerald, Paul W.
Cooksey, Susan.
Akan terracotta and brass vessels : the significance of medium in funerary
and shrine contexts.
Art: M.A., 1996
Poynor, Robin E.
Coupe, Jeffrey A.
Political instability in urban Africa : the case of Nouakchott, Mauritania.
Political Science: M.A., 1990
Lemarchand, Rene
Dangler, James Michael.
Root and top yields of cassava and sweet potato as affected by cultivar,
fertilizer rate, cowpea intercrop or time of harvest.
Horticultural Science: M.S., 1982
Locascio, Salvadore J.
De Wet, Dorothea.
Doepa after dark : protective medicines for infants in Soweto, South Africa.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1998
Du Toit, Brian M.
Delayen, Julie Ann.
Origins and causes of military rule in the Central African Republic.
Political Science: M.A., 1985
Lemarchand, Rene
Derby, Francis W.
An approach for cadastral records reorganization and implementation of a
topologically structured cadastral information system in Tanzania.
Civil Engineering: Ph.D., 1998
Smith, Scot E.
Diarassouba, Maferima.
Policy and economics of rice production in the Ivory Coast : cost
minimization in the government distribution network.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1988
Langham, Max R. Jr. and Seale, James L. Jr.
Dodson, David L.
Choice theory and the adoption of innovations : the peasant farmer decision
to try soybeans in Mulungu, Zaire.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1982
van Blokland, Peter J.
Dougherty, Michael P.
A linear programming simulation of enset-growing households of southwest
Agricultural Education and Communication: M.S., 1998
Hoover, Tracy S.
Duncan, Robert Scot.
Seed dispersal in a degraded agricultural tropical landscape : the first
steps toward reforestation.
Zoology: M.S., 1997
Chapman, Colin H.
Dzegede, Sylvi Aino.
Fertility and urbanization in West Africa.
Sociology: M.A., 1975
La Greca, Anthony J.
Edwards, Ann Elizabeth.
The diurnal primates of Korup National Park, Cameroon : abundance,
productivity and polyspecific associations.
Forest Resources and Conservation: M.S., 1992
Redford, Kent H.
Edwards, Tahra.
"Nao bate-me!" (Don't beat me!) : domestic violence in Mozambique.
Anthropology: M.A., 2000
Spring, Anita
Ehlers, Robert S.
'This Land is Ours!' the shaping of Xhosa resistance to European expansion
along the Cape Colony's Eastern Frontier, 1770-1820.
History: M.A., 1992
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Ellison, James Gordon.
Transforming obligations, performing identity : making the Nyakyusa in a
colonial context.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1999
Brandt, Steven
el-Masri, Hani Hikmat.
Attempts by Africans to unite, 1957-1965.
Political Science: M.A., 1966
Hartmann, Frederick H.
Emerson, Stephen A.
Regime change as an indicator of political instability in Africa and the
Middle East, 1979-1985.
Political Science: Ph.D., 1991
Lemarchand, Rene
Evangelou, Phylo.
Analysis of constraints to expanded livestock production in Kenya's Maasailand.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1984
McPherson, Dale J.
Falade, Christianah I.
The involvement of on-campus and off-campus students in academic and
non-academic activities in Nigerian universities.
Educational Leadership: Ph.D., 1988
Wattenbarger, James L.
Farh, Mohamed Ismail.
Evaluation of development planning and economic growth in Egypt, U.A.R.
Agricultural Economics: Ph.D., 1969
McPherson, Dale J.
Farley, Cary.
Smallholder knowledge, soil resource management and land use change in the
highlands of southwest Uganda.
Geography:Ph.D., 1996
Malecki, Edward
Fetters, Emma Lou.
A contrastive analysis of the simple locative construction in Siswati and
Linguistics: M.A., 1983
Harder, Jayne C.
Filippello, Michael P.
Supply response of small-scale coffee producers in the Kilmanjaro <sic>
region of Tanzania.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1995
Langham, Max R. Jr. and Gladwin, Christina H.
Flournoy, Beaulah Mae.
A movement in independency : Ethiopianism and the African Methodist Episcopal
Church in South Africa, 1896-1912.
History: M.A., 1975
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Fordyce, James Forrest.
Grammatical parameters of the ideophone in Yoruba.
Linguistics: M.A., 1978
Der Houssikian, Haig
Fouda, Therese Moulende.
Assessing small farmers credit needs : a case study of the west province of
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1988
van Blokland, Peter J. and Boggess, William G.
Futa, Mudiumbula Tshitumbu.
Internal agricultural adjustment to external disturbances : case study of
export crop diversification in selected African countries, 1950-1973.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1976
Mathis, W. K. and Davis, Carlton G.
Gearhart, Rebecca Kathleen.
Ngoma memories <computer file> : a history of competitive music and
dance performance on the Kenya coast.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1998
Burns, Allan F.
Gibson, Malcolm D.
Gatekeeping, AIDS, and editorials in two African newspapers : 'Watu waache
kutangatanga' ('People should stop playing around').
Mass Communication: M.A., 1994
Walsh-Childers, Kim
Gilliland, Marion Charlotte.
East African drama: folk, popular, and literary.
Theatre: M.F.A., 1971
Sumpter, C. G.
Gockowski, James Jerome.
Supply responses among small holder producers of arabica and robusta coffee
in Cameroon.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1994
Emerson, Robert D.
Goldsmith, Paul.
Symbiosis and transformation in Kenya's Meru District.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1994
Cohen, Ronald
Govindarajan, Muthiah.
Below-ground interactions at the tree-crop interface in the highlands of
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1996
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Guillette, Elizabeth A.
Finding the good life in the family and society : the Tswana aged of
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1992
Hansen, Arthur
Hallaj, Muhammad Yusuf.
Afro-Asian politics in the United Nations.
Political Science: Ph.D., 1966
Hartmann, Frederick H.
Hancock, Gus Herndon.
The image of America in selected English-language daily newspapers of Africa.
Journalism and Communications: M.A.J.C., 1961
Vogel, Joe B.
Hansinger, Michael John.
Hominids in plio/pleistocene Africa : an odontometric approach to phylogeny.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1976
Maples, William R.
Hanson, Holly Elisabeth.
When the miles came : land and social order in Buganda, 1850-1928.
History: Ph.D., 1997
Feierman, Steven
Harshbarger, Camilla Lyn.
Farmer-herder conflict and state legitimacy in Cameroon.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1995
Cohen, Ronald and Bernard, H. Russell
Haslerig, Janet Miliah.
People and wildlife conservation in Tanzania : three case studies of shifting paradigms from the colonial to independence eras.
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Ph.D., 2000
Harris, Lawrence D.
Hendricks, Rodger E.
Connectionist modeling of tone spread in Mende.
Linguistics: M.A., 1997
Wiltshire, Caroline
Henk, Daniel W.
Innovation in the Lunda imperial system : the role of the Mwant Yav.
Anthropology: M.A., 1980
Du Toit, Brian M.
Henk, Daniel W.
Kazi Ya Shaba : choice, continuity, and social change in an industrial
community of southern Zaire.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1988
Du Toit, Brian M.
Hessels, Robert Gerard.
A statistical model of smallholder cropping strategies in northern Nigeria :
implications for agricultural extension.
Agricultural and Extension Education: M.S., 1988
Beemen, Carl E.
Hesterman, Bob.
The dynamics of pastoral systems and ecological change in semi-arid
Sub-Saharan Africa : implications for development policy.
Geography: M.S., 1986
Niddrie, David L.
Hill, James Scott.
The social dimensions of forest use and biodiversity conservation around the
proposed Mabeta-Boliwe Forest Reserve in southwest Cameroon.
Anthropology: M.A., 1999
Hansen, Arthur
Hill, Kevin A.
Interest groups and the politics of the environment : wildlife conservation
policy, the state, and organized interests in Zimbabwe.
Political Science: Ph.D., 1993
Hyden, Goran S.
Hogle, Janice Alene.
Wole Soyinka's A dance of the forests: a strategy of symbolic action.
Anthropology: M.A., 1975
Doughty, Paul
Holdo, Ricardo M.
The role of sodium in the ecology of the African elephant Loxodonta africana
in a semi-arid woodland.
Zoology: M.S., 1999
Eisenberg, John F.
Holsteen, Melbourne Edward.
Continuity and change in Samburu education.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1982
Du Toit, Brian M.
Horne, David Lawrence.
Slavery in South Arica <sic>: the British administration, 1806-1834.
History: M.A., 1973
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Isaacson, Bruce.
Agricultural responsiveness in drought-prone Africa : the Botswana case.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1986
Langham, Max R. Jr.
Iverson, Shepherd.
Evolutionary demographic transition theory : comparative causes of
prehistoric, historic and modern demographic transitions.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1992
Bernard, H. Russell
Jamison, David.
The brotherhood of coconuts : tourism, ethnicity, and national identity in
Malindi, Kenya.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1993
Cohen, Ronald
Jefferies, Ann A.
Beyond tone : functions of pitch in Shona.
Linguistics: Ph.D., 1990
Der Houssikian, Haig
Juengst, Daniel Purdy.
Culture dynamics at Luebo : an ethnography of religious agents of change in
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1975
Du Toit, Brian M.
Kamga, Andre.
Factors related to adoption and non-adoption of technical and organizational
recommendations by farmers involved with Societe de Developpement du Cacao (
in Cameroon.
Agricultural and Extension Education: M.S., 1986
Cheek, Jimmy G.
Kaya, Bocary.
Soil fertility regeneration through improved fallow systems in southern Mali.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 2000
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Keirn, Susan Middleton.
Roles, statuses, and family life among urban African women.
Anthropology: M.A., 1970
Du Toit, Brian M.
Keirn, Susan Middleton.
Scuttling: the social mosaic of urban black South Africans.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1975
Du Toit, Brian M.
Keter, Joseph Kipkorir A.
Growth and composition of eucalyptus and maize on Kenya soils fertilized with
phosphate and indole acetic acid.
Soil Science: Ph.D., 1981
Fiskell, John G. A.
Kinnaird, Margaret Field.
Behavioral and demographic responses to habitat change by the Tana River
crested mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus).
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1990
Eisenberg, John F.
Knutsen, Glade W.
Small-scale dairying in two intensive, high-altitude farming systems in
Tanzania : labor and gender roles.
Geography: Ph.D., 1999
Goldman, Abraham C.
Konyha, Elaine Hiscock.
Political process in Buganda 1850-1899.
Anthropology: M.A., 1976
Moore, Alexander G. Jr.
Kouame, Christophe N.
Effects of stylosanthes interplanting on millet grain yield, herbage yield,
water use efficiency, and yields of subsequent millet crop.
Agronomy: Ph.D., 1991
Quesenberry, Kenneth H.
Laman-Hynes, Becky.
Pastoral production systems with emphasis on the African pastoralist.
Anthropology: M.A., 1983
Du Toit, Brian M.
Lamptey, Geraldine.
National planning policies and rural-urban migration : a case study of Ghana.
Urban and Regional Planning: M.A.U.R.P., 1991
Weismantel, William L.
Lanegran, Kimberly Rae.
Social movements, democratization, and civil society : the case of the South
African civic associations.
Political Science: Ph.D., 1997
Hyden, Goran S.
Latt, Christopher R.
Biomass production in agroforestry trees as influenced by cutting frequency
and reserve carbohydrates.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1996
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Lauriault, Robert N.
Plantation agriculture in Mozambique : the capitalization of the Zambesi Prazos, 1870-1930.
History: M.A., 1986
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Lavery, Diana.
"A Bishop's Dilemma" : a reinterpretation of the legacy of Bishop
Samuel Adjai Crowther.
History: M.A., 1999
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Leedy, Todd Holzgrefe.
The soil of salvation : African agriculture and American methodism in colonial Zimbabwe, 1939-1962.
History: Ph.D., 2000
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Lekis, Lisa.
The origin and development of ethnic Caribbean dance and music.
Inter-American Studies: Ph.D., 1956
Worcester, D. E.
Leslie, Agnes George Ngoma.
The Pan-African news agency : usage, problems and prospects (a case study --
Mass Communication: M.A.M.C., 1992
Pierce, Robert N.
Lewis, Simon.
By Europe, out of Africa : white women writers on farms and their African
English: Ph.D., 1996
Langland, Elizabeth
Lo, Mamadou.
Comparison of on-farm research and extension methods in small scale farm
systems in lower Casamance, Senegal.
Agricultural Education and Communication: M.S., 1997
Baker, Mathew T.
Losman, Donald L.
International economic sanctions : the boycotts of Cuba, Israel, and Rhodesia.
Economics: Ph.D., 1969
Bradbury, R. W.
Lukwago, George.
Structural adjustment in Malawi : the fertilizer subsidy removal program.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1992
Gladwin, Christina H.
Lurie, Mark.
Preserving white privilege : industrial unrest on the Witwatersrand, 1913.
History: M.A., 1992
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Lwanga, Jeremiah Ssali.
The role of seed and seedling predators, and browsers in the regeneration of
two forest canopy species (Mimusops bagshawei and Strombosia scheffleri) in Kibale Forest Reserve, Uganda.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1994
Struhsaker, Thomas T.
Lyons, Andrew.
An Effective Monitoring Framework for community based natural resource management <computer file> : a case study of the ADMADE program in Zambia.
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: M.S., 2000
Jacobson, Susan K.
Mabulla, Audax Z. P.
Middle and Later Stone Age land-use and lithic technology in the Eyasi Basin,
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1996
Brandt, Steven
Mackley, James Weldon.
The sorption of carbon-14 labeled DDT by three African soils.
Entomology and Nematology: M.S., 1969
Blanton, F. S.
Mafongoya, Paramu.
Multipurpose tree prunings as a source of nitrogen to maize (Zea mays L.)
under semiarid conditions in Zimbabwe.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1995
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Mapunda, Bertram Baltasar.
An archaeological view of the history and variation of ironworking in
southwestern Tanzania.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1995
Schmidt, Peter R.
Marcus, Richard Ryan.
Cultivating democracy on fragile grounds : environmental institutions and non-elite perceptions of democracy in Madagascar and Uganda.
Political Science: Ph.D., 2000
Hyden, Goran S.
Mashuta, Aquilina.
The linguistic structure of slang in Shona discourse.
Linguistics: M.A., 1997
Hardman, Martha J.
Mbeh, George Ngong.
Parents' responses to children's illnesses : the case of childhood diarrhea in the Bakoum Area, Eastern Province, Cameroon.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 2000
Bernard, H. Russell
Mbuya, Odemari Stephen.
Influence of shade, intercropping and spatial arrangement of maize and bean
on growth and yield components of bean.
Agronomy: M.S., 1990
Boote, Kenneth J.
McClanahan, Timothy Rice.
Hierarchical control of coral reef ecosystems.
Environmental Engineering Sciences: Ph.D., 1990
Odum, Howard T.
McCoy, Jessica.
Responses of blue and red duikers to logging in the Kibale Forest of western
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: M.S., 1995
Struhsaker, Thomas T.
McDuff, Mallory D.
A model for participatory evaluation of environmental education programs :
promoting success at the wildlife clubs of Kenya.
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: Ph.D., 1999
Jacobson, Susan K.
McGarry, Richard G.
Evaluating inter-ethnic conflict in the press : a linguistic model.
Linguistics: M.A., 1988
Der Houssikian, Haig
McGarry, Richard G.
Evaluating interethnic conflict in the press : a cross-linguistic discourse
analysis model.
Linguistics: Ph.D., 1990
Der Houssikian, Haig
Meier, James Eric.
"On the margins" : the emergence and growth of informal settlements in the greater Cape Town area, 1939-1960.
History: Ph.D., 2000
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
Mercado, May D.
Evaluation of farm constraints to rice production in Marovoay Plains,
Madagascar, 1987.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1989
Boggess, William G.
Mijumbi, Peter B.
Economic factors limiting the ability of smallholder farmers in Bida,
Nigeria, to raise current rice production levels.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1992
Boggess, William G.
Mijumbi, Peter B.
The demand for food staples in Uganda.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 2000
Spreen, Thomas H.
Molloy, Lisa M.
Forest buffalo, Syncerus caffer nanus, and burning of Savannas at Lope
Reserve, Gabon.
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation: M.S., 1997
Sunquist, Melvin E.
Moreno-Black, Geraldine S.
Differential habitat utilization of four African Cercopithecidae.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1974
Maples, William R.
Moyd, Michelle R.
Language and power : Africans, Europeans, and language policy in German
colonial Tanganyika.
History: M.A., 1996
Davis, R. Hunt Jr.
M'Pia, Elengesa.
Use of an economic-demographic simulation model for planning in Zaire's beef
cattle subsector.
Food and Resource Economics: M.S., 1981
Simpson, James R.
M'Pia, Elengesa.
An agricultural household model for Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1992
Lele, Uma
Mtimuni, Joshua Peter.
Identification of mineral deficiencies in soil, plant and animal tissues as
constraints to cattle production in Malawi.
Animal Science: Ph.D., 1982
Conrad, Joseph H.
Mucavele, Firmino Gabriel.
A mathematical programming model for farm household evaluation : economic
efficiency analysis of farms under risk and uncertainty in Mozambique.
Food and Resource Economics: Ph.D., 1994
Spreen, Thomas H.
Mugendi, Daniel N.
Tree-biomass decomposition, nitrogen dynamics, and maize growth under
agroforestry conditions in the subhumid highlands of Kenya.
Forest Resources and Conservation: Ph.D., 1997
Nair, P.K. Ramachandran
Musengezi, Habakkuk G.
Confrontation or compromise : the dilemma of political theatre in sub-Saharan
Communication Processes and Disorders: M.A., 1989
Williams, Donald E.
Musengezi, Habakkuk G.
Young people and performance arts in Washington DC.
Anthropology: Ph.D., 1997
Burns, Allan F.
Mwango, Emmanuel N.
The sources of variation in farmer adoption of government recommended
technologies in the Lilongwe Rural Development Program (LRDP) area of Central
Anthropology: M.A., 1986
Hansen, Arthur